Local Innovation Culture Self-Assessment Tool:
evaluate the current and future needs and practices of innovation skills in local public administration, with a focus on environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and citizenship

Local Innovation Culture Self‐Assessment Tool
What is your objective?
The Local Innovation Culture Self-Assessment Tool is a self-diagnosis instrument that allows you to assess the degree of maturity of the innovation culture of Municipalities.
It helps to identify the capabilities and areas developed, as well as the capabilities and areas to be developed in terms of innovation. This self-diagnosis constitutes a basis for defining and implementing an innovation skills development plan.
How is it constituted?
The tool is made up of thirteen (13) dimensions or areas of municipal management, namely: Strategy, Leadership, People, Structure, Incentives, Tools, Risk Management, Networks and Knowledge, Public Procurement, Financing, Diversity and Inclusion, Environmental Sustainability and Citizen Participation.
In each of these areas, the assessment is assessed through a set of five (5) specific capabilities essential for an effective culture of innovation in the context of municipal management.
What do I have to do?
Read and respond to the questionnaire;
Present answers that characterize the reality, on average, of the Municipality;
In each of the 13 areas, score all capabilities, using the following 7-point Likert response scale: (1) Totally disagree; (4) Neither agree nor disagree; (7) I completely agree; (NA) Not applicable/No Information;
Do you want to participate?
Please click here
Contact us by email if you have any questions or need help filling out: innlocal@ipb.pt